Thursday, April 4, 2019

Deepwell Dewatering Methodology

Deepwell Dewatering Bore scheme

1.The area for installing deep sump well will be marked by surveyor and the area will be checked for existing underground utilities.

2. The sump well be installed into the ground using water jet. If the strata are hard to penetrate, then suitable bore holes will be made for installing the deep well sump.

3. After the hole is drilled, an Ø200mm PVC perforated pipe is installed into the drilled hole surrounded with 3/8 3/16 aggregate filter materials to prevent the fines entering the system.

4. The submersible pump will be installed into the perforated pipe. The pump is connected to the electrical power generator/ EB.

5. The outlet of these well pumps are connected to the vertical pipes, which is connected to the suction hose.

6. The suction hose transfers the water to the sand settling tank. The silts    settled   in   the   tanks   will   be removed and dumped in an approved location.

7. The pumps will be operated until the work is completed. On completion of all dewatering activities the bore holes will be filled with suitable approved material.

8. Water levels will be checked and recorded regularly to derive the drawdown.



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